Sunday, December 19, 2010

One of the most inspirational bedrooms with a baldachin bed. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

BERGDORF GOODMAN holidays displays for winter 2010-2011
New York. December. Mesmerizing art on Fifth Avenue.

I miss that time when paper correspondence was leading and the only one resource of human's communication.. Calligraphically written letters on soft perfumed  paper packed in rice paper envelope with a family or personal wax stamp on the back!  In the 18th - early 19th centuries people had an entire science of composing a letter.. All intrigues around  secret court's correspondence,  hidden draw in a writing tables, books-caskets, le petit cabinet, passwords and secret language of signs, hidden doors and anonymous delivery person who was male or female it's hardly to guess.. 
  It's also very romantic to write a love letter to your sweet heart and wait for an long answer... You can say in a letter even more that you would say face to face. They conveyed a lot of political and personal information. 
that's why letters of that time are priceless because the entire medieval  history based on what has been written on those pieces of paper... 
   Or u happiness of opening envelope!! And reading it together with you close girl-friends somewhere at the boudoir or garden.. ahh...That life was a part of routine art... 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Aquamarine fishes fly  in the sky that is deeply blue ocean like..
The dream catcher wanders in the forest of skyscrapers looking for a young girls whose dreams are such a 
fascinating travel on the wings of the plush butterfly ..  
To mysterious Christmas's city you can get also by crystal aerostat or by gigantic mechanical elephant...
 They walk on the streets and glide in the  reflections of surprised children eyes...
This miracle happens in the heart of  the World... So for more comprehensive travelling
           you should dive to the coral reef of Fifth Avenue guiding by alluring  mermaid... 

Thank  to all designers and to Sacks 5 Avenue for creating such remarkable window's displays 
that tell a charmed fairy tail to hundreds tourists passing everyday trough that story, becoming
their unforgettable memories about New York...